Minimal-incision facelift (cheek lift) is quite different from a mini-lift, thread lift, “short-scar” facelift, S-lift, Silhouette lift, “liquid facelift,” and more. Unlike these procedures, the minimal-incision facelift is designed to give the clearer elevation of the cheek tissues through a short, hidden incision. You are a candidate for a minimal incision facelift if you have good health and are affected by early to moderate aging changes; this minimal procedure targets cheek jowling and laxity of the neck below the chin. Many people in their mid-thirties to mid-fifties are thrilled about this procedure. However, with more advanced aging changes, men and women will still require a standard face & neck lift and other procedures. This procedure is performed comfortably done in any licensed and certified surgical facility. The doctor will recommend local anesthesia with oral sedation or twilight anesthesia for your ultimate comfort. While bruising and swelling are never entirely p...